Friday, September 28, 2012

The Myspace comeback?

I haven't logged into my Myspace for a REALLY long time (probably a few years). Actually, I almost completely forgot about the site, but perhaps it's not time to cancel your account just yet. As I was driving to work this past week, I heard on the radio that they have revealed the new Myspace.

Last year justin Timberlake bought MySpace (now Myspace) for $35 million, and apparently within the past year they have "revamped" the site. to find out for myself I logged in to my old MySpace account to see what changes have been made (some of these might be older changes that I never saw because I haven't logged in in an extremely long time).

  1. Users can now create events to send to friends. As I recall this is different than old MySpace, so kuddos Justin.
  2. Bulletins seem to revamped. they are now organized more like you would see in a blogger's account on your home page, rather than a feed/gadget.
  3. It is now linked with Facebook and Twitter so you can go between all three sites.
  4. Rumors of it having a quality similar to Pinterest have started. They state that people will be able to share/"pin" music and videos, which apparently people cannot do on Pinterest
To be honest though, after looking through it, there's just really nothing special yet. Perhaps they haven't finished revamping it, or perhaps there's just no saving it. And according to Winston Ross, MySpace was really only ever good at being a dating site and for musicians. Ross also makes the comment in his article that people shouldn't quite dismiss MySpace because, "Myspace never really died. It just got hijacked by musicians and trashy people."

Myspace, however, still seems to be thriving pretty well for artists. The site is a great place for artists to load their music and share it with their fans. Overall though, I don't see anything particularly new and exciting about the new Myspace. If they want users to come back, they really need to get something new and out of the box.

(Also, side-note. The famous "douchebag Steve" that has all of the memes? The photo was taken by his mother and uploaded to MySpace in 2006. Just a random discovery.)

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking about Myspace today. I was blogging about evertying that has become outdated in my lifetime.

    Anyways, it's hard for me to picture Myspace making a comeback - it seems to me like they are trying to copy different aspects from the popular social media sites and combine them?

    I think you are right though. It does seem to be a popular place for artists/musicians.

    I kind of miss Myspace. I think I was the very last person to leave Myspace to join Facebook!
